It's a darn good thing you can't see me right now, because I am sure that I will bawl like a baby while I am typing this!
This is my dear dear friend forever, Carrie Norris. This morning I helped her with a little cleaning at her house, then we went to lunch and then I had to tell her goodbye. She left shortly after that to move to St. George, UT.
I love you dearly Carrie! Having you as my friend has changed me in so many ways! You are the kindest, most amazing and loving person! I remember when I first met you, I totally wanted to be your friend! AND NOW LOOK! :) I can't hardly make it through my day without my 12 phone calls from you! THANK GOODNESS FOR PHONES! You better keep that up!
I can't wait to see you for the ULTIMATE GNO in December! TWILIGHT MOVIE HERE WE COME!
I love you, love you, love you!

We will miss you Norris Family!
K what? She's gone already! YOU"RE KIDDING ME!!! I didn't even get to say goodbye! We will definitely miss you all too! And Ashlynn will miss bugging your family in Sacrament meeting. K this is way too sad!
Hi Amy It was great to be with you and your family. We always get in some great laughs. Family is a great thing but everyone needs good friends to get through this life. It sounds like you have some great ones. I am really proud of my boys. I have been truely blessed by having all 5 of them. They are the greast joy in my life. Mr. D looks handsome in the wheelchair. Love you all!
Holy Glamour Shots by Deb! :)
And I thought I was the only woman in your life? :)
No, it really is sad to loose friends... dang this world where we all have to move to move up in the world! If only it was 1950 and we could all stay put in one town our whole lives!
Better yet, Syd has this idea where we just pick the prime neighborhood... hers is Grandmas on either side, Lindtroms, Davidsons, etc. share the alley... Hawaii is down the road and Disneyland across the street... sound good?
Courtney, you crack me up! Mostly because I just had flash backs to halloween 3 years ago! You became a real life "DEB" YAY! Just please tell me you don't wear that dress to all of your photo shoots!
Carrie's sister is a great photographer. She took a couple of pictures of Carrie on her last trip here. Isn't she just so darn pretty?! KayLynn is really good. She takes the cutest pictures of Carrie's girls!
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