Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Monday morning we packed up....ok, which then put us a lot closer to nigth than morning, MY WORD we can spread ourselves out over 3 weeks!

The funeral was so great! We felt so much peace. Only one melt down for each of us that day. It was time to face the looming next step...HOME!

I found myself wringing my hands and shaking a bit the night before heading home. Could I face our house and all of D's things? It seemed overwhelming! I spent the morning trying to swallow a puking feeling.

However, I have the greatest friends! Oh how I love them! Tana had made soup, rolls, freezer jam, salad...the soup sat warm on our stovetop. It was DELISH! Tana, I LOVE YOU! Thanks so so much! The table was set, there were flowers and ballons. Some from Tana and Michelle, others from Kristin, Kara and Dawn. They made sure that at every turn we could find a smile, and we did. I laughed out loud at the candybars on my treadmill! NICE!

The kids LOVED coming home to candy bars and balloons on their beds. My bathtub was full of hot water with a vase of beautiful flowers and a basket full of "pampering yourself" goodies! They outdid themselves. We LOVED it! Thanks so much girlies! LOVE YOU!

When we went to Jake and Dawson's room tears flowed. Not sad tears, but tears of joy and gratitude as we felt our little man all around us! He is here! It helped!

Today my day was occupied with running Jake to school. Taking him in. He was greeted by a TON of kids saying, "JAKE YOUR BACK!" There was a lot of love. His teacher rushed out into the hall at the rumor of his return. She gave him the biggest squeeze then, as he ran into class, she and I cried.

Mal was next. I took her. Explained the things we have been seeing her do. Talked about strategies for helping her through it. She couldn't wait to get back. She LOVES school...more than school, she LOVES routine! She needed hers back! She has been amazing all day!

Since the next part of my day would normally be Dawson filled, again my friends stepped in to rescue. Kristin picked me up for lunch. Kara and Dawn joined in. By the time I got home, Mal was pulling up in the bus. Good timing! Tomorrow Shalece has invited me out for a little sewing. YAY! I can't wait!

The last couple of days have been filled with a lot of just plain missing D. There is the peace and the gratitude for his release from a body that caused his pain, but I literally ache to hold him. Hmmm, I am sure this is all part of the process. Doesn't stop the fact that it stinks though! Really stinks!

So, I have loads of pictures and fun stuff to post. However, I am trying to unpack, re-pack Christmas and pack D's things all at once. There is quite a list of things to do. Which is good. SO....I will get to posting in the next few days.

I have had some things on my mind lately.....I posted them on MY OTHER BLOG. Click there to check it out.

A BIG MEGA THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE MESSAGES AND LOVE SENT OUR WAY! Oh, if you only knew how much it helps! Your prayers are felt. No doubt about it!

Alright, now go check out the other blog......


Gear Gang said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all of Amy's awesome friends. I am so glad to know you are taking care of her up there. Although I would love to swing a trip up there just to hang out soon.

Love you.

Jill said...

wow Amy, you have some great friends taking good care of your little family! Our thoughts and prayers have been with you guys for the last couple of weeks...you are all such great examples of faith and hope!

Kristin and Jay said...

We LOVE you! What else is there to say? =)

Just Us said...

Idaho friends are the best. I love and miss my Idaho friends. I love and miss you!

Norris Fam said...

Did you get the mental flowers from me? You did?! Oh good...

nancyhaupt said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Amy and Ryan - Dawson left a mark on my heart - His sweetness reigns and will forever be an inspiration - It is wonderful to see the amazing support your family has, and I agree, you are an amazing testimony to faith and love - Nancy

Oliphant Family said...

He was such an angel and I know with his sweet spirit he is doing much needed missionary work on the other side. You are so brave and have much trust in Heavenly fathers plan for you! We love you, and have a prayer in our hearts for you and your eternal family.
