Tuesday, March 24, 2009

From Ryan....

The card simply said, "Thanks for doing all the REAL work. Love You"

I don't feel like I do ALL the real work, but I am telling you, I married a good man! We share the load equally. He is good to me and I LOVE HIM dearly!

Thanks Babe!
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Just Us said...

What a nice husband. Those are so beautiful flowers.

Candise said...

Awww Shucks....what a great guy! Motherhood isn't really lucrative...but it is the REAL work! Keep up the good work.

Candise said...
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Michelle & Matt's Clan said...

He's just trying to keep up with Jared Hill. Ha! I can't find your post on cupcakes. help!

Hardy Party said...

That is so sweet... AHHHH You deserve it and yes you do the real work... :-) Motherhood is the hardest job of all.

We love you,
Dad & Sondi

Jill said...

What a sweet guy...you are a lucky gal Amy. Those flowers are well deserved girl!

Norris Fam said...

He's just trying to make up for the "no wii today" comment. He better send you flowers next week too!

Can you pretend a few of those flowers were from me :)

Gear Gang said...

Those are beautiful- You deserve it. Can Ryan talk to Ryan... I want some too!

Love you Aim!

Lombardo Family said...

Okay Ryan, I take it all back. She's pretty darn lucky to have you too! :o)
