Friday, June 6, 2008

[300 Mile] summer challenge

Here's the challenge: 300 miles in 3 months! You can walk, run, rollerblade, bike or whatever you can think of that makes you get out and SWEAT! That is 100 miles per month people, don't get behind! 300 miles is a lot in one month! :)
In our area we are going to meet at Chesnut Loop (the loop in Jeni, Carrie & Amanda's Neighborhood) on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Bring the kids and their bikes or scooters or a good pair of shoes. The kids get to run and play while we get our miles in! If you don't live in our area, get a bunch of friends together and find a route, then get going!
Each week there will be a new challenge, such as cut out the pop, or whatever else we can think of. There will be a place on the blog to post pictures of your group, track your progress, including inches and/or weight lost, if you are looking to track those things! This is just a fun way to get together with friends, get the kids out to play with friends and enjoy the heck out of a healthier summer.
So, look for the blog, it is coming soon. I will let you know when.
Here are a couple pictures from our first day, which was Wednesday. I am proud to report that we had MUCH better weather for today! OH, and once a week we all bring a little something to share for lunch, but it MUST be healthy! Today's lunch was awesome! Plenty of fruits and veggies, baked tortilla chips and salsa and spinache smoothie! YUMMY!
Anyway, onto our first day!
By the way, I totally ripped these pictures off of Carrie's blog. This is Amanda, Carrie & Maren at our second station, which was Carrie's house. We all stopped and had to do 10 push ups. Then we would go around the loop and stop at Amanda's and do 30 jumping jacks, then Jeni's for 20 squats! The loop is just over 1/4 of a mile. That works out PERFECT!

Did I mention it was pouring?! We were all soaked, but having a blast! This is Jeni and Carrie.
This is how they feel about the rain! PRETTY!

Maci (Jeni's), Kallie (Carrie's) & Sammi (Jeni's). After a little while the kids were cold and we were all soaked! The rain was starting to come down harder so Amanda let us in her house to finish up with some strength training circuits. Carrie won the contest, without breaking a sweat I might add, of who can stay in Plank position the longest! That is a rough one!

Poor Lucy! This is Jeni's dog. She is such a tiny thing and looked a lot like a drowned rat by the time we were done!

Get your groups together or join yourself! We will get this blog up and going in the next couple of days! SO FUN!


Collin & Elizabeth said...

Hmmm...this sounds like a great idea!!! Excited to see the coming blog. MAYBE I will start exercising...just maybe. Never been good at it. Im much better at sitting on my couch thinking about working out. HA!

Kellsy said...

Dude i should so start something like this at the Y...

Norris Fam said...

Am I hearing a David Cook song on your blog??? You...You..David Archultta fan you!

Unknown said...

That DOG is...
