Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Still no surgery

Today we heard that they couldn't do Dawson's surgery until FRIDAY! Poor baby, the IV is just not cutting it, he is so hungry! They will be upping that a little to take the edge off for him. I was going to complain and try to get an earlier surgery time, but when I talked to my nurse she said that things are so crazy for surgery right now. They even pushed a baby from the unit back until Thursday and she had to be put on a machine that bypasses her heart for her. There are worse problems than mine, that is for sure! We are just getting quite anxious to go home!

Both babies are doing great today. We will patiently wait for surgery and Mallory will be headed home very soon! We are hoping that the recovery from this next surgery will be easier on Daws and he should come home in 1 1/2 - 2 weeks! It shouldn't be long. We will be home before we know it. Until then little Mallory will try her hardest to remind us of the sleepless nights and poopy diapers......I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Love you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poopy Diapers!!!!!!!!!!! sounds fun..
maybe I should become a baby surgeon then ppl like you wouldnt have to wait soo long....
hmm somthing to consider... well, thats enough of considering that im not smart enough to be one. but i can dream big.
woo im hyper and really random. sry.
you will be home soon... whoo hooo. *do the happy gig*
Kellsy Kaye
