Thursday, August 28, 2008


My baby girl just rode away from me on a big yellow bus. She was so excited all morning. She took a nice long bath, let me do her hair...for a minute anyway, and then WAITED! We put her backpack (that she had picked out by herself) about 30 min. before the bus would arrive. She couldn't wait! Then I tried to get her to pose for a "First day of school" picture. NO WAY! She is NOT a poser....

Like her big brother was on HIS first day of preschool! (Same age as Mal is now)
Things we did while waiting for the bus....

Ran around, just to feel the backpack bouncing on her back...

Stacked her stackable cups....

Played the piano, while drinking milk. THEN...MALLY THE BUS IS HERE!

She RAN from the house towards the bus! Her arms went up in the air to keep the back pack from falling off her shoulders, and she NEVER looked back! She climbed up those big steps with me right behind her, and she NEVER even once looked back! They sat her up in a seat, put on her seat belt and then....

They started to drive away

With my baby in that big yellow bus! I called Ryan, cried like a baby, then I got over it and cuddled up with D! Next Tuesday, when he goes....WHAT WILL I DO WITH MYSELF?!


Kristin and Jay said...

I love it! Look at her run! She looks so cute on her first day of school. And I love how little kids packpacks are bigger than they are! That is my absolute favorite!

Kara said...

She is so cute. Isnt it great when they are excited to go to school and there not crying or hanging on your leg. Krissa was like that but I almost wanted her to miss me a little=)

Salisbury Family said...

I totally get your sadness..

When Lyds had her first day of first grade, I started wandering through my house at about 1:00, really missing her...she is always by my side!!!
I guess it's good these little people grow on us so much...I wouldn't have it any other way.

Jill said...

I love how little kids' backpacks are HUGE on their tiny bodies. I am sure you will get used to your free time soon probably won't take as long as you think!!

Cindy said...

Wow! What a cutie--looks like she is ready to go. If you get too bored give me a call Amy, I'm sure I can help you think of something to do.
Thanks Amy for your blog, I feel conected to your family even though I don't get to see you as often as I would like.
You and Ryan have a beautiful family. I can tell you love being parents!

Sarahp said...

So Cute! I know I'm gonna cry on Wednesday when my oldest does his first day of kindergarten. I guess I can't keep them here forever, but it's hard to let them go. Hope you are doing great!

Kellsy said...

shes so stinkin cute!... AWW its my little jakey when i very first met him... wow i didnt realize how long it really has been since i met you guys!!

Jasmine said...

oh mally and D. they have grown up way too fast since i've known the cute little buggers. she is a firecracker! miss you guys like crazy, i need to have noah so i can travel some distance again. love ya guys

Norris Fam said...

That picture of Jake made me laugh out loud! He is so cute and kinda squishy!

When D leaves next week, call me and I'll cry with you! Thanks for the play by play pictures, it makes me feel like I was there (almost)!

Anonymous said...
