Monday, November 7, 2005

Dawsons Brain and stuff

Hey everyone. I just thought I would let you know how things went with Dawson's head. I have to be quick because I have to get to the hospital before the do rounds. This is when all of the nurses and doctors come and talk about what there plans are for the babies today and make any needed changes.

There are a couple layers of tissue between our brains and our skull. The first layer is connected to the brain with a lot of little blood vessels. During surgery they think that a couple of these little vessels tore in Dawson's head. Causing a little bit of bleeding. Blood is toxic to the brain and there is some blood on his brain from the vessels. It is a very small amount and Neurologist are not worried about it. I will be finding Dr. Walker today to ask him what damage, if any, has been done and what that part of the brain covers so that we can make sure to work hard with Dawson in that area.

Both babies are doing good. There are a few things that Dawson has to work really hard at this week to go home, but he has the prayers of everyone to help him through and he will do it.

Ryan and I are now on the schedule for "rooming in" on Thursday night. This makes it almost official! I will let you all know what happens today later.

Love, Amy

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