Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Another quick update

This morning was pretty bad, I guess, for Dawson. When I talked to the NeoNatal nurse she told me that he now has a cold, GREAT! I hate that I am probably the one that took that in there. The good news is that it is just a cold. They have run a lot of tests on him to make sure it is not anything more serious and they all came back negative.

He has been pretty lethargic this morning and non-responsive, even when they gave him IV's. It breaks my heart to know he feels so awful. I called tonight and they said that he has gained at least 4oz. in fluid retention in the last 24 hours. That is just from being sick. The good news is that everyone that saw him this morning said at 7pm tonight that he was looking a lot better. He is peeing off some of the fluid which is really good, and was even awake for the first time today when I was talking to the nurse. This is such a rollercoaster ride. Hopefully by the time I get back down there he will be ready to eat and feeling more like himself.

Mallory is doing great and the OT's (the nursing and eating professionals) are doing a lot of therapy stuff with her to help her eat better so she will be able to nurse really well when I get back. They also tapped her last night but they have decided that should be the last time they will have to do it. That is really good news. That means that all we have left with her is getting all of her feedings by mouth (bottle or nursing) and her eye exam on Wed. next week. We could have her home by next weekend. That would be very nice!

Well, I will continue to keep you posted on their progress. Please, please, please pray for Dawson. As soon as he gets better he can have his surgery, recover and come home too!

Love, Amy and the Fam

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