Monday, October 24, 2011

MONDAY'S MENU {Baked Fried Chicken}

This is, hands down, a family favorite! Everytime I make this everyone goes nuts! I have actually made it a lot easy! It is super easy, so it is easy for big groups! I made it for our little family. Then I made it for the weekly Lindstrom gathering at my in-laws house, which usually includes about 20-25 people. Then, because it was such a huge hit there, we suggested to Jake & Tyler (cousin), whom are both working on their "Citizenship in the Community" merit badge for scouts, that this would be a great dinner idea for the Ronald McDonald House in SLC. A few days later, we were on our way up there. Salad, bread, corn, mashed potatoes & gravy and this chicken were all on the menu. The boys worked their little hineys off and we served nearly 50 people! We cooked 4 big bags of chicken tenderloin strips, about 100 strips in all, and we knew the meal was a success when there was only 1 piece of chicken left and a lot of happy faces! :)

I am pretty sure that I have discovered the KFC secret recipe! It is DEAD ON! It is also baked...not fried and there isn't any skin! So you get to enjoy the taste of the seasoning, instead of pulling it off because of the slimy skin!

This is super easy and you are TOTALLY going to love it!


{Baked Fried Chicken}

Place thawed chicken breast tenderloin strips in a bowl of milk. Let soak for 20-30 min.

Mix in a Gallon Size Ziploc or Large Bowl:  
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 T Season All
3/4 tsp Pepper
1 c. Flour
2 tsp. Paprika

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut 1/2 stick of butter into a few pieces and place in a 9x13 pan. Melt butter in pre-heated oven.

Spread melted butter around the bottom of the pan. Lightly spray the pan, if needed, to make sure that there are no dry spots.

Shake excess milk off of chicken and completely coat each piece with the seasoning mix. You can either shake the chicken in the bag, until coated, or dip each piece in the bowl until coated.

Place each piece of chicken in the pan.

Cook for 20 min. Turn each piece of chicken and continue cooking for 20 more minutes, or until cooked through.



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The Johnson Family said... I have dinner for tonight! Thank you!

Lombardo Family said...

Mmm Mmmm that looks good. I'll have to try it. I've been out of the blogging world lately (other's blogs that is) fun to catch up on the Lindstrom's. How's the house coming along? How's the working out going? Did you know we are expecting? BAH! can't believe I just told you on your blog, but yes we are. :o) Haven't officially announced it yet. Let's get together silly girl. It's time to reunite.


Cindy said...

Looks yummy Amy, I'm always ready for a new chicken recipe. Tell Jake and Tyler that I'm proud of them. Thanks to great parents they are learning the blessings of serving others. In this 'me' world that is a big thing!

Norris Fam said...

I'm making this for dinner tonight...I hope mine end up looking as good as yours do in that picture!!

Carrie said...

I'm gonna try this tonight! Hey, I have a quick question. What template on blogger are you using that allows you to see the comments posted right below your post. I've been trying to get this on my blog for a few weeks now and I will say that I've failed in a major way. Could you send me a quick low down on what you did to get your post this way? Thanks so much! bradandcarrie(at)

Anonymous said...

I found these on Pinterest, and I hope to make them for my family this week. How many chicken tenders is the flour coating supposed to cover? Also, is it 40 minutes in the oven? Do they stay moist cooking for such a long time? Thanks so much! I'm excited to make these!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

When I have made this, I usually make A LOT! I have made it for a few really big groups. Usually 2 full bags + of the tenders. I usually double the flour recipe for that many. So if you are doing just enough for like 6 servings the flour mixture will be plenty and you will have a little left over. Half it, if you want, and if you need more you can throw it together really quick.

As for the cooking time. I didn't adjust it in the post for the lower amount. Sorry about that. I would say to do 15 min the first time and then check after 10 min on the second. Nothing worse than dried chicken...I say! :)

Thanks for the question! Let me know if you need anything else!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe! Is the Season All the seasoned salt by Morton?


Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Yep! That would be the one! Mortons Season fave! :)

Tina said...

You had me at "fried."

Beth S. said...

Ok...what did I do wrong? The flour breading didn't really brown. It just turned a light beige color and some of the flour was still raw. Not enough butter in the bottom of the pan??? It did taste ok, though, but didn't look anything like the picture.

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...


Sheesh, I don't know what happened. Sounds like the butter was the problem. It moistens the flour and helps give it the brown look. I have had pieces that didn't get wet with the melted butter and the flour stayed white. Slice your butter into little pieces and melt all over in the pan. Spray with Pam. Increase the butter, if needed. Good luck! Try again! It is worth it!

Kim B said...

I cannot find Morton's Season All anywheres here.. I did find Lawry's seasoned salt... Do u think that would work?

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Kim B, I haven't ever tried Lawry's, but I am sure it would work!

Emma said...

What is T Season All? I'm in the UK - is this something you can only get in america?


Rebekah said...

I made this tonight, and it was soooooo good! Mine wasn't as crispy as yours, though. It was a little on the soggy side, but still good. How do you get yours to be so crispy?

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

I'm not really sure how it gets so crispy, but it certainly is. I think it is all about the butter.

Did you put little pats of butter all over the bottom of the pan and then melt it in the oven before adding the chicken? Was your chicken over coated with the flour mixture? Shaking off the excess might help, if so. It is important to cover it completely, but not allow it to get chunky.

Anyway, those are just a couple of ideas! Try it again and let me know if it happens again. Maybe we can figure something else out! :)

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...


Ooo, shoot! I don't know if they have it in the UK or not! Maybe try googling it. Does it look familiar? Do you have anything close or similar to that there? If you don't, perhaps there is somewhere online you can order some. Heck, I would send some to you! Let me know!

Thanks! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Do you add more butter and melt it prior to cooking side 2? Just a thought so that both sides will cook the same. Thank you!

barb said...

I wanted to tell you that I made this, for dinner, tonight. It was really, really good!!! I didn't have Season All (but will buy it for next time) so I used Seasoned Salt instead. Otherwise I followed your directions and didn't need any additional butter for about 16 chicken tenders. I used a rimmed cookie sheet instead of a 9X13 pan because my pan had brownies in it :)

barb said...

In reading what I just wrote, I almost sound like a review on I didn't change any of the important things, LOL

Anonymous said...

When you place the chicken in the pan with the melted butter do you turn it at that time to get butter on the top side also?

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

I haven't ever added butter a second time after flipping. I haven't ever needed to. If the pan looks dry when you flip them, then I think you could/should.

I also haven't ever needed to flip the chicken twice. There is usually enough butter when I flip it over to get the other side. I don't know what flipping it would do. Perhaps make it soggy. Not sure.

Susan said...

Hmmm, I followed the recipe to a "T" but I am not coming up w/ the crispy chicken that is in the picture. Did you double dip the chicken? Is there an ingredient missing like egg? I was really looking forward to getting my fried chicken fix. =(

stephanie said...

Sounds pretty easy. Can not wait to try this!

Jessica Lynn said...

We made this last night for dinner and it was fantastic! We're definitely going to make it again. We followed the recipe exactly and had no issues—it was crispy and delicious!

Anonymous said...

I soaked my full-size chicken breasts in buttermilk and then followed the instructions cooking for 40 minutes. This was a huge hit with my family. 40 mins. seems way too long for tenders.

Sherri said...

Making these tonight!! And based on all these comments...we are going to be SO happy!!

I should have bought 2 packs of tenders :-)

Barbara said...

These were delicious! I too had some trouble getting them crispy, but I used a Pyrex pan, and I'm thinking that was the problem? I'm going to try a metal pan next time. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This did not turn out at all like your picture, flour was soggy, never turned brown or got crispy. It was a cereal for dinner night.

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...


I'm sorry to hear about that! I have made them so many times and haven't ever had them turn out soggy, so I don't have any ideas as to why they did. Don't give up on it! Try them on a cookie sheet or in a metal pan. Perhaps that helps! It is absolutely delicious! Maybe next time it will work out! Let me know!

Beth S. said...

I tried them again! This time, I added more butter than last time and used a meatal baking pan. They browned nicely but didn't get crispy at all. I'm wondering if I need to increase the temperature of my oven. It's a convection oven so they aren't under a heating element. Wonder if that has something to do with getting them cripsy....
But, the flavor was good so I'll keep trying until I get it right! Maybe broil them for a minute next time...

Beth S. said...

I tried them again! This time, I added more butter than last time and used a meatal baking pan. They browned nicely but didn't get crispy at all. I'm wondering if I need to increase the temperature of my oven. It's a convection oven so they aren't under a heating element. Wonder if that has something to do with getting them cripsy....
But, the flavor was good so I'll keep trying until I get it right! Maybe broil them for a minute next time...

Becky H said...

I made this tonight and it did not turn out at all. I followed the directions. There was definitely enough butter. I baked them at 400 degrees for 20 minutes and took them out of the oven to flip. There was no coating left on the chicken. It did not stick at all. I think you need a video or step by step pictures, since 90% of us can't duplicate your recipe. We are obviously missing something.
Luckily, I saved dinner by coating the chicken with a seasoned Panko crust and placed them on a wire rack (on top of a cookie sheet) to keep the chicken crispy. My modified recipe turned out great.
I am sad that I was not able to duplicate your recipe. I had high hopes.

Unknown said...

Making these for the second time after pinning them. My kids loved them the first time. Tonight I will only cook 15 minutes per side to keep them moister. I can hardly wait for dinner to be ready! Thanks for the fab and easy chicken recipe!

Anonymous said...

Found this link on "pinterest", made them last night and they were DELICIOUS!!!! I followed your recipe exactly (except substituted Lawry's seasoned salt for season all) and they turned out just like your picture. My picky husband said he will be requesting these all the time, and when he took the leftovers to work for lunch, he had lots of requests for the recipe. Thanks for sharing this!

Claire said...

A friend of mine put this up on PInterest and I have just added it to our menu for this week! I am making it on Tues. I told my hubby about it & he is looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

You can d these in a coated fry pan-to get crispy and finish in the oven-in same fry pan if it is oven proof!

Sandy said...

I have to try this. It looks delicious!

Melissa said...

Thanks for the recipe, I am making them right now :)

Anonymous said...

Made this tonight for my family and it was a HUGE hit. I thought it was a little salty, but I think that was my fault. I tend to eye ball things and I think I went a little heavy on the salt. Anyway, I made it exactly as you said and they turned out perfect.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I am signed in on my daughter's account, my name is actually Kim Lottman.

Karen (UK) said...

Going to make this tomorrow for dinner. I am from the UK and Schwartz do something called Perfect Shake Season-All which I am assuming is the same thing.

Julia Hayes said...

I just wanted to say I made these, in a PYREX pan, and they were delicious! I'm making them again tonight, in fact. I'm sorry for those it didn't "work" for, but it wasn't a flaw in your directions. Thanks for the recipe. I'll be adding it to my stand-by list. :)

Hannah said...

I found this on Pinterest, but had to come here to tell you THANK YOU for posting this recipe. It is all kids of AWESOME!!!!!!! I even made half a batch with EVOO instead of butter and it was still super yummy.

Karen (UK) said...

Hi again,

Thought I would come back and let you know how it turned out.

I also found you via Pinterest and was a little nervous after reading some of the reviews here.

I followed your recipe to the T and it came out AWESOME!!! My whole family loved it and my other half's comment was "so I guess KFCs secret recipe isnt so secret".

LOVED it and cant wait to make it again. Thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

For those who can't get a crispy coating, try spraying lightly with Pam before baking. That usually helps.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I wrote on Pinterest: KFC STYLE BAKED FRIED CHICKEN - this was THE best baked chicken I've ever made. My husband I LOVED it, he says he'll never eat KFC chicken again now that he knows I can make it! I will never try another recipe for it, this can't be beat. I made 1.5 lbs. of tenders and cooked them 15 minutes on each side. I did have to add butter again when I flipped them b/c I used a large pan and all the butter was gone after 15 minutes. Don't forget to soak them 30 minutes in milk. Sooo good!

Kristy said...

Made this tonight and, although it didn't get crispy, it did taste just like KFC! Soooo good!

donetta godwin said...

For those trying to get it extra crispy, you can always try broiling them on each side and I often give the tops a light spray of cooking spray (right on the coating) then broil on high until it browns. Just watch it closely so it doesn't burn. I use bread crumbs when I do oven fried chicken

Anonymous said...

I haven't made this yet, but a lot of ur comments say they needed to add more butter when they flip it. why not dot the top side with butter that way it's already on it and soaking in when u flip it.

Anonymous said...

Found these on Pinterest and made last night for my family. They turned out perfect and we all loved them! There are very few meals that my husband and kids all like so these were a success. Easy to make(I made just like you recipe). Will cook these again for sure!

Anonymous said...

I made this tonight, amazing! My husband got home late so I had a plate for him ready and his exact words after his first bite "Is this KFC"??? He's also a very picky eater and it is usually tough to try new things. I didn't have All Seasoning on hand so I used Lawry Salt and a little bit of garlic powder in its place, but will definitely be picking up some All Seasoning. Everything came out just as the recipe indicated. I highly recommend this recipe!

Cera Shell said...

Making this tonight!!! Crossing my fingers!!!

LaVerne said...

I think an iron frying pan would be great to use in the oven and it would help to make the tenders crispy. The downside... you might have to cook in smaller batches. And I highly recommend Cavender's All Purpose Greek Seasoning if you can't find Morton's Seasoning.

Anonymous said...

Could be the brand of butter.... Just a thought. Butters are different, ovens are different. Try thermometers in your oven also. Plus please tell us what track you used in oven low high middle... Some ovens out matters. :)

Anonymous said...

Excuse my typos, I'm on my phone.

Cindy said...

I predict the people having trouble are using margarine, light Butter or tub butter. Try a stick of butter and I bet it will work better.

Anonymous said...

I tried it and mine was sort of crispy, but all the coating fell off in big chunks. How do I make it stay on? It was tasty.

Anonymous said...

adding to my last post, I mean the coating looked just like the pic, but it all fell off in the pan instead of sticking to the chicken.

Anonymous said...

Made it for dinner last LOVED it! Mine wasn't crispy, but it still tasted good, if not quite like KFC. Think I'll use less butter next time as I had a LOT in the bottom of the pan. Thanks for a yummy new recipe!!

Solomon said...

My guess is that a lot of commenters' troubles are stemming from the lack of details as far as how much chicken to use. I tried this tonight and while it was really good, the coating wasn't crispy, probably because there was too much butter. Admittedly, I didn't use a standard stick of butter, I get my butter from Costco and the sizes are gigantic compared to a regular stick. So I eyeballed, but I would guess I used a quarter of a stick. Plus I had a lot of the coating left over.
Amy, this is a great recipe, but if you see this, if you could update with the amount of chicken this is for, that would be great. Thank you for this recipe.

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

I do different amounts all of the time. It hasn't really ever affected the outcome of the chicken. It has always been crispy. I would say that as an average I would do about 8 chicken tenders. However I have done over 50 and tripled the recipe and they still turned out perfectly.

As far as the seasoning falling off in big clumps. I have had that happen once. However, I think it was because I cheated a bit with the milk soaking time. I didn't quite soak it for long enough. If you continue having a problem with it, you could try whipping an egg white and dipping the chicken in it and then the seasoning mix. That should do the trick. Or you could take it from the milk to a little bit of flour to the egg and then the mix. Just a thought.

As far as the butter I use, my hubby is allergic to dairy. I use Nucoa most of the time. It is a dairy free margarine. I have also used real butter, for larger groups and the outcome is the same. I wish I knew what to say for those of you not getting crispy outcomes. I really don't know. I haven't experienced this. Experiment a bit. Less butter, more the end, it is worth figuring out what makes it work for you! It is so yummy and one of those recipes that is easy to go to in a pinch because almost all of this is stuff you have around the house all of the time!

Thanks so much for your comments! I appreciate all of them!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

OH and I am experimenting with a lot of other recipes and posting them at, if you are interested! Some of them are absolutely amazing!

Anonymous said...

Baking mine right now and crossing my fingers that it comes out right!!!!

chjharrell said...

Turned out PERFECTLY!!!! Absolutely delicious! My hubby wouldn't stop eating! Thanks so much for sharing! Btw, I used a Pyrex dish and margarine before putting chicken in and again when flipping it!

MiracleMommy said...

This is similar to my Oven Fried Chicken recipe, and here are some helpful tips for those who haven't had it work out:

1. You really want a pan with sides, like a 9x13, rather than a baking sheet. It seems like a flat sheet would get them crispier, but the deeper sides allows the butter to rise up the sides when you place the chicken inside, so you have a deeper layer of butter going up the sides of the chicken, imitating frying in deeper oil in a pan.

2. Don't just melt the butter, let it get HOT! Just like frying chicken in a skillet...if the oil isn't hot enough, the coating will fall off or it will be soggy. You want it hot enough so that you can hear a sizzle when you put the chicken in the pan.

3. I never use just "butter" because it starts to burn for me. I use either butter with oil, or margarine or oil.

4. I usually make it with a chicken cut chicken into parts (breasts, wings, thighs, legs). I pull off the skin, but if using parts, place in the pan "skin" side down, then flip (the side where the skin would be if not removed).

Lindsey Marie said...

Made these last night and while they were very tasty...they did not get crispy AT ALL :-( I followed the recipe exactly as written and it seemed like there was too much butter to me?
They browned up nicely, but didn't crisp up. I suppose I could have tried broiling for a few minutes each side but I didn't want to risk drying the chicken out (nothing worse). Not sure what the trick is to getting them crispy since so many of us can't seem to make it happen. hmmm...

Dianne said...

I made these last night and did get a crisp on the top but not really the bottom even though I flipped them. This comment is really about the salt content....WOW, too salty. Really if you think about it, what's the purpose of a 1/2 t. salt AND one whole tablespoon of Season All? Season All IS salt with spices added. Then add to that the fact that I used salted butter. Do yourself a favor and simply leave out the 1/2 t. of salt. For our family, I will probably even cut down on the Season All a little since most of us found it too salty to really be edible. I will try these again because other than that I really liked the flavor combinations.

Blessed Mom said...

I made these tonite & I used 2 different pans to be able to make enough. 1 pan came out perfectly crispy, the other was soggy with the topping falling off.

Pan #1, the soggy one, was an aluminum lasagna pan that was passed down to me by my MIL. It is not a fancy air bake or anything special, just a single layer pan. I started it out on the middle rack of the oven.

Pan #2, the crispy one, is a Guardian ware pan. A VERY heavy, almost cast iron like pan. I put it in on the bottom rack.

I was not sure if it was the placement in the oven or the pan or both that made the difference. When I flipped the chicken halfway thru cooking I switched the pans around too just to see if it made a difference in how they cooked but it didnt. the heavier one came out crispy on both sides while the lighter weight pan was soggy on both sides. My guess is that the heavier pan conducted the heat better & just made for a better cooking surface. Hope that helps someone :-)

All the chicken tasted good but the crispy was MUCH better & yes it does taste VERY similar to KFC. Thanks for sharing the recipe, its gonna be a keeper at our house!

Mrs B said...

just made this for dinner tonight. Turned out great!
I only have Pampered Chef stones, so I cooked mine on the 13x9 bar pan, used margarine and baked on the bottom rack in a gas oven.

I will be making this again!
Thank you

Anonymous said...

I don't ever post comments, but I have to tell you that this was a hit at our house! My very picky 5 year old and almost as picky husband loved it! And of course, my daughter and I did too! We will definitely be making this many more times! Thank you!

Jennife Roe said...

I must say this is an awesome & amazing recipe, plus its so simple! The whole family loved it, even my 3 yr. old son!

Lydia said...

Made this tonight and it was yummy! My crust was not as brown & crispy but the flavor was there for sure! Not sure why others have had soggy crust, mine was fine just not thick enough. Thanks tor the recipe. Found on pinterest BTW. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine was soggy too....BUT one edge of one piece of chicken was crispy. I think the problem is too much butter! Next time I'll take out a tsp or two. I used 3 breasts cut into tender shapes.

Leanne @ Around the Table said...

I cannot wait to make this! What does soaking the chicken in milk do? I have heard of buttermilk, but not milk. Either way I am uber excited.

Jessie V said...

worked quite well - followed your directions exactly! one happy family - thank you!

Tracie said...

How much chicken did you use in the recipe above?

Anonymous said...

Just made them for dinner, and they turned out perfect and do tasty! Thank you!

Stephanie said...

Followed the recipe to the T and had a problem getting my chicken crispy. What did i do wrong?

CantStopBaking said...

Has anyone tried this with oil instead? I would like to try to keep it as healthy as possible..

Caitie Chay said...

Was SOOOOO yummy. My hubby and I both agreed that it tasted like KFC. However, mine never did get crispy. After turning and allowing the chicken to cook the amount of time that it was supposed to, I removed it from the pan that it had cooked in the butter in and transferred it to a cookie sheet in an effort to crisp it. I even cooked it at 410 instead of 400. Once I transferred to the cookie sheet, I cranked the oven up to 425! I will try cutting out some of the butter next time. Also, I shook off the excess milk and seasoning like the recipe called for and in the end, there wasn't alot of breading (like the picture shows). I did soak my chicken for 40 minutes because I forgot about it, ha ha. Next time, I'm going to try to leave a smidgen more milk and a smidgen more seasoning on the chicken.

Michelle said...

I've been making this recipes for years -- I got it from my mom, who got it from my grandma. Yummiest chicken ever!

Anonymous said...

4 T of butter has 44 grams of far. You might as well just go to KFC.

Anonymous said...

what the heck, I did everything to the T. No comparison to the piture, not crispy at all. maybe my oven needs to be set higher. I was very disappointed. Come to my house and show me, I don't get it. :(

Anonymous said...

I am making this right now, and I already love that this is so much easier than frying, and it smells SO delicious.

I marinated the chicken in seasoned buttermilk, and used thighs instead of breast tenders. I figure if the breading isn't perfectly crisp, I can pop it under the broiler for a minute. And KFC's "original" isn't really crispy anyways!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! It was perfect! Make sure your butter is screaming hot. My in laws left hurting full! Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

I just made these for dinner, my brother is knocked out on the couch and my dad half asleep! Haha. These had such a great flavor! My brother took the first bite and said it tasted like Bojangles. I said, "you're close, it's 'KFC inspired.'" ;)
I only had one problem. When it was time to flip the chicken, there was a beautiful golden crust on top (much like your pic). However, when I actually went to flip the chicken some of the breading came off (it happened both times while flipping...idk why). In the end, I was left with half-breaded chicken. Not as pretty as your pic, however, delicious all the same! I will *definitely be making this again. Thanks for the share!!

Haeley said...

For everyone that has problems with browning, crispyness etc I have 3 words for you Cast Iron Skillet! I made this (sort of) but baked it in mine (12 inch)and it was super brown and crispy. I used 4 whole chicken thighs because that is what I had out and defrosted before I realized this was for tenders and follwed the recipe other than that, started them skin side down because personally I love the skin and wanted it to be crispiest and it was. I took the skillet with the melted butter out of the oven and put it on a medium heat burner while I breaded each thigh and placed them in it because I didnt want it to cool (to avoid sogginess)Wonderful reviews from my family and requests to make it again. I may try buttermilk next time but other than that I wont change a thing.

Lillie said...

I made this tonight & it turned out wonderful. I used skinless & boneless chicken breast that I had marinated previously & froze. I skipped the milk once thawed & coated with the other ingredients. I used a glass baking dish & mine was nice & crispy on the outside & tender inside, could cut it with a fork!!! Thank you so much for this recipe, loved it!!!!!

This old house said...

I am making this tonight! I would also like to ask if anyone has any blogging tips. I am a grandma and not up on some technology but would like to start blogging... how to get started etc.. would be great. Thanks for posting this recipe it looks awesome!

Margie said...

I've never heard of Season All. Is this something readily available. I presume in the spice aisle? I'm DYING to try your recipe! Thank you for sharing!

Candy M. said...

Hi Amy! This looks delicious - thanks for sharing. :) I saw you said your husband is allergic to dairy - I am as well. What milk do you use for soaking the chicken in? Thanks again.

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Margie, it is a seasoned salt made by McCormick. Others have tried Lawrys Season Salt. Both would be found in the seasonings eisle at the grocery store.

Candy, I used Almond Milk. Works great. FYI if you haven't discovered the joys of canned coconut milk, you must! It sets up like milk in other recipes. I have made an amazing coconut cream pie, with out any dairy, using it. It also makes whip cream if you refrigerate the can, scrap off the more solid stuff on the top and add a little powdered sugar while beating...just to taste. It is awesome.

Candy M. said...

Thanks so much for the reply. :) I'm a big fan of almond milk. I haven't tried coconut milk. I definitely will. Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

I just made this for dinner and had the same problem as some others. It did not crisp but it was very tasty. I'm going to try some of the tips people suggested and give it another try. Thanks for the yummy recipe.

This old house said...

This is a great recipe. I soaked mine in buttermilk and melted my butter in a cast iron skillet on the stove, added my chicken and when it was sizzling put it in the oven and baked according to the instructions. Drain on paper towels. Oh it was a little salty so I would reduce salt but all in all great recipe.

~Beth A. said...

FANTABULOUS!! Okay, it's not a real word but you know what it means! I'm eating this chicken right now!

This is the first time I've made it - read all posts and learned a lot. Here's how I tweaked the recipe:

RE: the seasoning, I used Morton's Nature's Seasons; & replaced the regular salt w/ seasoning salt.
RE: the oil, I used light olive oil in a ceramic 9x13 dish, pouring a scant 1/4", then put the dish into the preheated (410 degrees) oven for 10 minutes. Then I transferred the coated chicken pieces into the pan. They began to sizzle immediately. I hoped this was good sign! It was!

I used two large boneless breasts and cut them into chunks. They cooked for 15 min. then carefully flipped them over. A bit of coating did stick to the tongues. Once cooked I let them drain on a paper towel lined plate.

A definite keeper recipe!! Thanks!


victx said...

Can you use wheat flour instead of white regular flour?

Also, can I add Panko Bread crumbs to make it more crispy. I made these last night and they were delicious, but didn't get crispy, the same issue as everyone else. I also think I added too much margarine. And I cut out the bit of extra salt suggested, the Nature's Seasoning has plenty for my taste. But other than that the flavor was phenomenal :)

Anonymous said...

I used olive oil instead of butter and the chicken strips turned out fantastic! I tried both baking/frying in the oven method using a Pyrex baking dish and on the stove top using a large, deep stainless steel pot (has a solid core bottom) on medium heat. I used just enough olive oil for a thin layer in each.

The trick to getting the chicken crispy is heating the oil first before adding the chicken - the oil will make a sizzle sound when small droplets of water contact the oil. Otherwise, if the oil isnt at a hot enough temperature when adding the battered chicken then too much will soak into the batter making it soggy instead of crispy.

Cooking time in the oven was about 10 minutes each side and only about 4 minutes each side for the stove top method. But the chicken strips were cut thin so cooking times would be longer with thicker chicken strips.

Also, I didn't add the additional salt that the recipe called for and used Reduced Sodium Season-All. And I used Panko bread crumbs. The chicken turned out moist on the inside and crispy on the outside, absolutely delicious!

Next, I am going to experiment with making some tilapia fish sticks with this batter recipe and cooking methods. I think they will be just as delicious. :)

Pam said...

When almost done add milk Makes a wonderful gravy!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing about the flour. Did you try it?

Anonymous said...

Great recipe! I made it just like the recipe you posted and it turned out great!!! Made it two nights in a row!

Anonymous said...

I made this tonight for dinner. They were sooo good. I ended up with too much flour left. I used 4 chicken breast cut into strips. Made enough for two people and a lunch serving for tomorrow. I also made the Raising Canes dipping sause found on Pinterest! Thanks for the recipe. It is a keeper.

The OriginalPsyn said...

I made this tonight for dinner. It was amazing!! I'll never fry my chicken again. Thanks.

Chrissy said...

Ok, so after reading a ton of comments, I was open to the chicken not being crispy enough and possibly making a mistake or 2, but it came out amazing AND tasted fabulous! Not exactly like KFC, but pretty darn amazing! I will definitely make this again! Thanks for the great and easy recipe!

Hope's Recipe/Photo Blog said...

I tried these tonight because of all the reviews but I must say they were quite ordinary. I made sure the butter was sizzling and followed all the advice. They did turn out nice and golden brown, never stuck to the pan, they were juicy but the flavor was no where near KFC. I followed the recipe and did not leave anything out. Nothing to rave about, just plain old chicken. Sorry, but I can't endorse this recipe.

victx said...

So is it ok to use wheat flour? Instead of regular white? That was my second question...

Oh, the Original KFC isn't crispy/crunchy... So the recIpe was pretty much spot on. The flavor, to me, was almost perfect!

Anonymous said...

I made this last night after finding it on pinterest and it turned out great! Crispy and great flavor, but baked (not fried)! Thanks for the recipe!!

Jessica said...

So, maybe the problem could be the type of flour. Is everyone using plain or self rising? Self rising has added salt that could lead to it being too salty like some people posted. Maybe the self rising would coat better and crisp up?

This old house said...

I'm using plain flour.

MamaKueg said...

I make a similar baked chicken that uses flour and crushed corn flakes, and you dip the chicken in egg whites before the flour mixture. I also had trouble with the coating falling off when I flipped it. I searched a few blogs and found a few possible solutions. The suggestion I tried was using nonfat plain Greek yogurt instead of milk or eggs. You still soak the chicken in it for about 30 minutes. It worked great! I haven't tried this recipe yet, but since my husband and kids like KFC (and I won't ever buy it), this might be a good alternative.

Shelly said...

Justbthought I'd leave a note for this of you thatbare getting soggy breading instead of crispy.mI'm actually a chef, so I might be able to help you with that. The issue is most likely that your oil (the butter) isn't hot enough, probably because your oven isn't. Lots of ovens need calibrated. If you set your oven to 350, it'll probably be that temperature in one spot, higher in another, and cooler in a different spot. It happens as ovens age. You can get around the issue (in a quick way) by setting your oven temp to higher than the recipe calls for, by about 25 degrees. put your pan in the oven with the butter, and *wait until the foam subsides.* then the oil will be hot enough.

The reason the bread in gets soggy is because the flour *soaks* the butter when it's not hot enough, instead of *searing* it. (cyan also help it a it by adding a bit of egg to the milk... Dip it in breading, then dip it back in the milk, then breading again.)

Hope that helps.

Victoria L. said...

I made these for dinner tonight and they were perfect! Followed the recipe how it's written and came out with chicken that looked almost identical to the picture. My boyfriend was so happy with them he even offered to clean the kitchen! Thanks for the recipe, definitely going into the book of favorites!

Anonymous said...

what brand of butter did you use ? i am on a low sodium, low fat diet...thank you ...sounds delish !!!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

I have used both Nucoa and Safflower. Any kind would work I would imagine. I just have to stick with dairy free.

Beth said...

Found you on Pinterest. Made this today and followed the recipe word for word except I cooked my chicken in a cast iron skillet....and it turned out SO yummy! I'll definitely be making this again. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I made this tonite in my cast iron skilett ( in my oven ) and used light butter... Had to add a bit more butter ( nuked it in microwave then added to my hot skilett ) and it turned out BEAUTIFUL !!! I did leave out the 1/2 t of salt and it was perfect !!! I did have to increase oven temperature to get the butter sizzling and keep it going ... Great recipe ... A keeper !!!

Elke said...

Made this tonight, doubled it and baked it in Pampered Chef stoneware at 425...was amazing. Kids loved it and we've decided to have it weekly. Thanks for a great and so simple recipe :)

Anonymous said...

Loved this. Second time I made it I added a little more season all and left of the salt and was still very good. I've make it with pork chops and it was delish!

suzi said...

Okay, I never leave comments. And I rarely can make a recipe upon reading, as I don't have the ingredients. Tonight I did, and this was so super easy I had to try. Yes, it DOES taste like KFC. I used Lawry's in place of the Season All, whatever that is. And I used a LOT of butter. :-) So I was running out of time, so I only did 15 minutes on one side and like 10 on the other side. Mine looks just like pictured, but not super crispy; I am sure that's my fault for not cooking as long as indicated. I will definitely make this again. I had about seven to eight small to medium tenders and had a ton of the seasoning left over.

Anonymous said...

I really want to make this tonight! I have publix "sweet/unsalted butter" and no paprika (does it even have a taste?) You guys think it'll be ok!? I hope so!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Your butter should be fine. Just make sure it gets super hot before you add the chicken. (Thanks to everyone that added this tip).

Paprika has a spice to it. It is yummy! Totally worth seeing if a neighbor has a little you can borrow, if you are out. Next time you hit the store, get some. If you make the chicken with out it, it may taste a little different, but your season all or season salt has some in it. Hopefully it is alright without! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Fine spice is secret spice to chicken recipe. Has flavor like sage. Can buy on line. Used to be widely used but has lost popularity.

Diane said...

They were super delicious! I had trouble with them not being as crispy, but my crispiest piece was the smallest one, and I only cooked them 15 minutes a side. They were still ridiculously moist, so I think if I had the pieces smaller and cooked them the full 20 minutes a side, they would be even better. And the smell drove me crazy while they were cooking! Yumm.

Chantielle said...

made this last night, followed the original instructions and it turned out great! I don't know if it is exactly like KFC original recipe chicken, but the flavor is close. Overall we really enjoyed it. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

I made this tonight, and my kids absolutely loved it!! I made it in several batches in case I needed to fine tune as I went along. Most came out very nice and crispy, although some were a bit soggy. The flavor was awesome! Thanks!

Miranda said...

Tonight is the second time I've made these. Overall I do like them. I have found though that I need to cook them much longer to get them crispy, like at least an hour total. But they don't dry out after long maybe because of the milk soaking and butter. I also feel like there is too much butter and that is why it take so long. I have been using pyrex pans but halfway through cooking, after reading the comments I have switched to a metal pan and hope that helps speed up the cripsing process! Overall though I think its a great recipe, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This Was GREAT! As with other comments mine didn't seem quite as crispy as what you'r looks like but let me just say....My husband and 4 year old were arguing who got leftovers! Made it with cheesy potatoes, delish! Thanks for sharing!

Kathy said...

The best oven fried chicken we've ever had. It turned out great and looked almost like you photo. I used buttermilk because we had it otherwise did nothing different. My long search for a GOOD oven fried chicken has ended.

Emily S. said...

Hi there! This recipe is fantastic. My dad worked for KFC back in the 60s and he said the recipe is dead on except that they used white pepper instead of black when they mixed it. I haven't tried it yet with white pepper so just wanted to share that tidbit

aimee said...

I can't understand why so many had trouble with this recipe. I followed it to a "t" using about 2 pounds of tenders and it came out brilliantly. It was amazing chicken!! Super tasty, moist on the inside and crunchy and brown on the outside. They weren't crispy right out of the oven, but became crispy when they cooled some. I am thinking the trouble some might have had was not using enough paprika, which helps give it the lovely brown color. Also don't scrimp on the butter!! There is no substitute in a recipe like this. So good!! This will be a new favorite for my family. Thank you for sharing:)

Anonymous said...

Would Rice Milk work? I am not able to have dairy

Alison said...

Wwwwow, Lawry's must have a lot more salt than Season All! I'm using crumbs instead of the flour, and I've added about 3c more crumbs (about a half loaf of homemade whole wheat) to make it palatable. Just a caveat for those of you using Lawry's.
Can't wait to try the chicken tonight! :]

Chrissy said...

Ok, so I have made this 4-5 times since finding this on Pintrest and I LOVE it! My mom even made it and added a little twist- Emiril's marinara sauce with some parmesean sprinkled on top. She baked it the same amount of time and it was seriously the best Chicken Parm. I'd ever had- pretty low cal too!

Kate said...

do you think this would work if i just put the chicken on a wire rack inside a pan and sprayed with butter flavored cooking spray and baked?

Anonymous said...

I am in love with this recipe! I soaked mine in buttermilk, used only about half the butter, and gave it about 2 min under the broiler at the end to help crisp it up. My new favorite for sure :)

Anonymous said...

I made these tonight after seeing the recipe on Pinterest. Absolutely did not turn out like the ones in the picture! I cooked the tenders for 20mins at 400 degs on each side in a 9x13 metal pan and the ones that had any coating left on them were soggy. I sprayed the pan w/cooking spray before melting the butter and the batter still stuck to the pan. I used Lowry's seasoned salt as I don't have Season All, but I thought the taste was very bland.

Anonymous said...

How much season all do you use there is no amount
I don't have any but I was just going to use ordinary seasoning salt just didn't know how much....

Belinda said...

making this right now and it is turning out great!! its on the 2nd side and looks crispy, although i added a little butter just to be sure after reading all of these comments. and i am making chicken breasts, not tenders i did cut them in half though, hope it turns out the same! thanks!!

Anonymous said...

what is a "T" of season all? What measurement is a "T?"

Rachel said...

This was delicious!!! I am so happy I found this recipe!! Turned out perfect. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I made this twice.. They didn't look anything like these when I made them in the oven but when I deep fried them they looked exactly like it! thanks for the recipe!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Not sure. I don't really think so, but if you try it let me know how it turns out.

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

1 T (tablespoon)

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

T = tablespoon

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for you to make a Youtube video to show us step by step how to do this? I want to make then but I am worried about them not turning out. Bummer. Thanks!

Chrissy said...

Made this recipe just as it says, the only thing I did after reading the blogs was put melted butter on both sides BEFORE baking...I think that's what makes the difference...after hearing some for my chicken it came out PERFECT and was everything that was promised...Delish,both my husband and I loved it, Thank You for the recipe ! :)

Anonymous said...

I made this following the directions exactly except I used Buttermilk instead of regular milk. The chicken had wonderful flavor but did not get crispy which was a big disappointment. AFter reading the comments I think I will try again to see if I can tweak it to make it brown more & get crispier. My kids weren't that impressed with the first batch but crossing my fingers they will on the 2nd. BTW, I got this off of Pinterest...thank you!

Anonymous said...

Made this last night. Same problem as most ppl...not crispy and the coating fell off. It don't taste quite like KFC, but it is good either way. I had one piece left over and I fried it in the frying pan with EVOO...MUCH BETTER OUTCOME! I'd say if you want crispy chicken, try this method instead. The chicken sitting in butter in the oven is no healthier than frying it in a little olive oil :-)

Calli said...

I found your recipe through Pinterest, and will be making it for the second time tonight. So simple and delicious! I hadn't had oven-fried chicken since my mother made it, and with her having been gone 13 years now, any reminder of her cooking is a treat. Blessings and thanks from our family to yours!

My job is awesome. said...

I made this tonight after finding it on is DELICIOUS, and mine turned out crispy. My only issue was that the "batter" kind of stuck a little when I turned the chicken, so it was a little bald. Should I add more or less butter?

Thanks for the great recipe!!

Anonymous said...

I did this for my family tonight for dinner and they loved it. I reduced the salt to a generous pinch (Due to personal preference), found the Season All in Tesco's for any UK readers, as previously mention it was the Shwartz Perfect Shake kind. While my chicken pieces were soaking in the milk I had my pan of half Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Marge heating at 215 Celcius for 30 mins. When I added the chicken it sizzled and when tunring I used two skewers for minimum contact with the coating. After turning and cooking for total of 35 mins I took them out and let rest on a rack for approx 3-5 mins before serving. The chicken was delicious, it remained on the whole piece, turned golden and was crispy but along the lines of original recipe KFC crispy. Turned out like the picture and will definitely be cooking this again.

Maggie said...

Wow. So good. I used coconut flour and coconut oil. Also used buttermilk because I had some that needed to be used up. DELICIOUS!

Anonymous said...

I think some step by step pictures would help! The flavor was amazing, but mine was only crispy on the edges. I used a metal pan and plenty of butter, none of the coating stuck or anything, it just turned out soft. I'm pretty sure my cooking temp was plenty high too because I had a bit of a smoke issue. Will try again though.. hopefully will have better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Worked great for me! Thanks! Very yummy!

Anonymous said...

this looks delish and easy. any idea on the nutrition facts?

Jess_Smith said...

hi, i love the sound of this recipe! im in the UK however, so 'season all' kinda threw me, but i googled it, and the ingredients in the schwartz jars are:

Salt, Paprika (4%), Chilli Pepper, Dried Onion, Black Pepper (3%), Garlic Powder, Celery Seed, Nutmeg, Coriander Seed, Colour (Paprika Extract), Cayenne Pepper, Anti-caking Agent (Magnesium Carbonate).

so im going to make up a mixture similar to this and see how it goes! hopefully will taste just as good :)


Anonymous said...

This recipe sounds good!! I think I may try it. BUT, because so many people are complaining about the chicken not being crispy, I suggest that maybe we sould try to use breadcrumbs or crushed crackers instead of flour. I'm going to try something it and see how that goes.

Anonymous said...

After you have coated your chicken with the flour & spices, you can place it in a colander and shake the excess flour off. I have found this to be the easiest way. Hope this helps. :)

Kisa said...

Hmmm, I will have to get paprika! I think this will work even with Gluten Free flour? That way we can actually try it?>

Mary Cook said...

can't wait to take chicken out of oven. I'm using convection/toaster oven and I really hope it is a hit. Thanks. Mary Cook

regina said...

Does anyone know, can I prepare the chicken in advance (earlier in the day) and leave it in the fridge (battered) to make in the evening?

Alberta said...

My first time frying chicken in the oven was met with success. Thanks for the recipe.

Also like to thank the comments with tips for success as making sure the oil/butter was hot was definitely key. Broiling for a hot minute at the end was instrumental. Lastly, cooking on the bottom rack (even during broiling), heard the crackling and popping just like the stove top with the pan so close to the heat. Hubby said he wouldn't have known it wasn't traditionally fried chicken if I had told 'im. Thanks one and all!

Anonymous said...

I found this on Pinterest and made it for dinner this evening. I did not have All Spice, so I used Mrs Dash and it was really good. Mine was not really crispy, but I think that is because I used a stone casserole dish (I only cook with stonewear). We will definitely have this again, kids loved it!

Anonymous said...

I love to make these. They are so easy and taste so good. My family is always left wanting more. Tonight I am using the seasoning mix on porkchops. Hopefully they will be just as great!

Anonymous said...

Very similar to a recipe I just made from a Betty crocker cookbook. I did traditional "Baked" fried chicken with skin/bones though. Turned out perfect like others are saying. Maybe pan they used was too big. I had enough butter left when I flipped my chicken. Definitely turned out crispy. I used a 9x13 glass pyrex pan. You might need to put it up higher in the oven and maybe cook a little higher.

Anonymous said...

I actually coached my husband(who is not a cook at ALL) through the steps for this recipe over the phone. We followed the recipe exactly, except we used a metal 9x13 pan. We also took special care to make sure the butter was sizzling before adding the chicken. It was delicious! The only problem was that I did not make enough! My daughter, who usually scoffs at anything chicken, cleaned her plate! I am thinking I will make it for my next big family gathering!

Just Sherry said...

I haven't tried this yet, but it sounds delicious! I do have a suggestion for those having troubles with the coating. Try freezing the chicken after coating it with the seasonings. My husband and I learned this trick many years ago and works great to keep the coating from falling off. Also try dipping it in milk/coating a second time.

For those of you in the U.K. Season All is a brand name. It is also called Seasoned Salt.

sandrajn said...

I couldn't find a better place to post this, BUT,
In the forums, under the RECIPES link, it takes you to a form for discussing porno films. It's in French.

Anonymous said...

Made these a couple days ago. My picky 7yo loved them. I left out the salt and they tasted just right the first night, but I noticed they weren't salty enough when I reheated the leftovers. Weird.

I would like the breading to be thicker and saw another recipe saying to flour them, dip in egg and then flour them again. I think I'll try that next time, even though it sounds messy.

Thanks so much for sharing! This is a winner!!

Jul said...

These were really good! Thanks! Just wanted to add that I made them using skinless drumsticks, and they still worked perfectly with same time/temp.

athenaannette said...

Just tried this. I have this saved onto my Pinterest and I was really really REALLY looking forward to it. DISASTER.

The coating completely fell apart when I tried to flip it and it was really soggy. The chicken itself was dry and rubbery.

I used three chicken breasts that I butterflied (making six portions) and I did 15 minutes for one side and 10 minutes for the other side because I saw this suggestion in the comments and it still came out dry. I followed the recipe to a "T". I don't know what happened. I even tried to broil it for the last couple of minutes of the second half and although it did help dry out the coating a little, it made the chicken even more dry and rubbery.

I am, at the moment, feeling disappointed. I'm especially disappointed because this is all I have to serve my family as the main course today. I guess we'll just be having sides and regret lol.

If you are really resilient and don't feel bad about wasting/ruining six portions of food, then give this recipe a try because it might work out for you and be great. If not, then it's probably not be worth it... I tried a small piece of the coating that was not soggy and it just tasted like salty flour breading so this isn't something that I'd be willing to try again.

And thank you to Amy Lindstrom for coming up with this recipe and offering it here... bless your heart, I know you meant well when you put this recipe up! And the pic that you have really does look appetizing. It's not your fault that it's a hit or miss for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I pinned this awhile back but I just got around to making it tonight. Turned out pretty good for my first try. Some parts were a bit soggy but I'm sure it's because I used too much butter. Otherwise I followed the recipe and drained the chicken on paper towel after baking. Husband and kids loved it. Will definitely make it again!

greenbunny said...

worked like a dream and "Mom, this is soo good.." was what was said most. Thanks for sharing and making me a star ;)

Anonymous said...

I made these for the first time tonight, and they were DEVOURED!!! Thank you for giving me a new regular! Went exactly by the recipe except less pepper, and cooked on a jelly-roll metal pan (I call them cookie sheets, but they have short sides all around instead of no sides) on my Silpat mat. Melted the butter right on the Silpat. I cooked them the time and temp in the recipe. They came out crispy and dee-lish!!!

Jenn said...

I have made this at least 4 times and my husband and toddler LOVE it! I follow the recipe and I have never had an issue w/the coating that a lot of people comment on. Thank you for sharing.

Jennie said...

I found your recipe on Pinterest and made this tonight for my dad. He loved it! He actually never eats meat without ketchup or something else on it. Tonight however he ate it just the way it was and said I would have to make it again soon. Thank you for sharing your recipe!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever tried Almond Flour/Meal instead of White flour? Would be amazing if it worked well and tasted good for all those gluton free kiddos out there.

Anonymous said...

My kids like PLAIN chicken. But they couldn't get enough of this. I read the comments and used a cast iron skillet. Actually heated the butter on the stove until a bit of flour "popped". Fried half in the oven and half on the stove. No difference and the coating stayed on. We didn't eat for 15 minutes so it was no longer crispy, yet coating still stuck and still delicious. THANKS!

MsM said...

KFC uses corn flakes to make "Extra Crispy " chicken

Anonymous said...

I would think that the "not crispy enough" problem could be because some ovens are easier to crisp things up in. A few nights ago, I made fish n' chips. My oven wouldn't make it crispy enough so i ended up broiling on each side for a few minutes after the fish was cooked and that works also. I think it'd be the same with chicken since the broiler is merely a toaster. Thanks for the recipe! I'll be trying soon :)

Anonymous said...

cook this last night for me and my siblings, since their to young to cook.They enjoy the chicken so much.Can't wait to make this again for them and for my mom.Thanks for the recipe.

Anonymous said...

As a college student I'm always looking for cheap, quick, and delicious meals to make. I feel bad reading all the comments from people whose attempts at this recipe were not good because my attempt was so successful! I halved the recipe and cooked it in a glass 13x9 pan. It was SO good I had to comment and thank you for the recipe- it's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

I would like to try this definitely! May I pin on Pinterest?

Anonymous said...

Made this yesterday. Used a little more butter than what was called for. Turned out perfect!!! Better than KFC! My new 'go to' chicken!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just wanted to tell you that I substituted rice milk and rice flour and used vegetable spread to make this for my food allergic children and it came out awesome! Great recipe! Thanks! It's nice to be able to make safe comfort food and this definitely was comfort food!

alison said...

I made this last night and it was delicious! As far as the people having trouble getting it brown and crispy, make sure you are not over crowding the chicken in the pan, as it will not brown if you do (I used to make this mistake all the time). I made about 10 tenders and used two different pans so the chicken could be spaced out enough and they came out crispy and delicious.

miss panda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Made this recipe for the second time the other night. We love chicken...but I HATE messing with the slimy stuff!! With this I barely touched the chicken! I used the thin breast strips that are already cut up because we don't like the big chicken pieces. The chicken turned out just as the picture shows & delicious!! Easy, not messy, & wonderful!! Tonight I decided to try the same recipe only using pork chops instead. I used the boneless thin pork chops & it was delicious as well! My family loved both the chicken and the pork left overs in my house!! Thanks for posting this awesome recipe...I LOVE Pinterest! :-)

Anonymous said...

Mine didn't look like yours at all. The flour batter wasn't as thick and crispy... Maybe I used too much butter on the bottom? I did an 8x8 pan using 2T of butter.

Helen said...

Saw your recipe on Pintrest. Tried it tonight. Just devine! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What is "Season All"?

Home Ec. Mel said...

I converted the recipe to gluten free. OMG It is so yummy!.

Gramma Jean said...

A couple of thoughts for those having some trouble getting browning and crispiness.
I always preheat the oven (I would suggest 425 degrees) and the pan too. I would only make this in a metal pan. Put it in the hot oven for about 10 minutes to get it hot. Remove pan and put a little olive oil in my pan. Tilt the pan to allow the oil to coat the entire pan. Place coated chicken into the pan and put it directly into the oven. Tenders likely need 12 minutes on one side and maybe 8-10 on the second side.
The chicken should be moist and crispy. I cook pork chops this way too. Hope it works for you.

ChristianZ said...

Kentucky Fried Chicken was always claiming that their secret recipe had "11 herbs and spices." I'm not sure I see that in the recipe here. Or maybe those are in the Season All?

erica m said...

I'm making these tonight for dinner. My chicken tenders are soaking as we speak. I'm serving a bigger than normal crowd at my house tonight so I'm going to have to use a 9x13 glass pyrex and an cookie sheet w/ sides. I may even have to pan fry a few. Will lyk how it goes.

Anonymous said...

I made these tonight and they did not turn out very good. I followed the directions exactly but they were not even close to the photo shown. Most of the topping fell off and were soggy. Will have to find another recipe.

erica m said...

I am impressed. Now if I can keep my kids out of them long enough to get a photo...I used a two regular cookie sheets w/ the short sides. I "pam"'d them and added a generous amt of butter to each. preheated and when I heard them sizzle took them out and filled them up. i also prebattered and had my chicken ready to go on wax paper so the pans didn't cool down while I battered. Hubs friend is here and he said "KFC?" NOPE! But close..I sprinkled w/ season all when they came out of the oven too and cut the extra salt in the recipe. Cooled on paper towels and transfered to a serving plate. I rebuttered before using the pans for the second batches.
I give this an A+. It isn't super crispy but it's awesome... featuring it on my blog tonight!

Pam said...

This Recipe came across my Pinterest feed. Looked easy enough... and it WAS TOTALLY EASY! YES, Mine came out Picture Perfect! I used a shallow roasting pan covered with foil. I sprayed the foil lined pan with Pam before melting the butter in the PreHeated Oven. I filled the Gallon Size Zip Lock Bag with the dripped off, Milk Soaked Chicken Pieces. I shook ALL the pieces at once. All were coated evenly. Onto the pan, Into the Oven .... you could hear them "frying" in the oven. YUMMY! Hubby Loved them! My 11yr old daughter loved them! WILL be making AGAIN and AGAIN! thanks for the Recipe!

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