Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Because of Dawson's tube in his stomach, he and I sat this one out. He had plenty of fun listening to all the "echoey" sound and playing with his mommy!

OH MY!! THAT IS HIGH! Jake loved having Uncle Jared throw him. There are a few more on Jake's blog. I was trying to take a picture and one of the times Jared threw him almost out of the picture! I got Jake's bum and legs, that's it.

The whole gang, minus Eric & Danny who were on their way and Lacy and Kevin, they were not able to make it this year.

I just thought this was a funny picture. Mallory looks like a Neanderthal baby! Kind of funny!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quando this song sucks?

Mallory does look REALLY funny in that last one!
