Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Mally's new swing!

This is quite intense for Mal! Ryan put a new swing up for her on the porch. She has some major fears of gravity and extreme movement so the therapist wanted us to put a swing up for her. She loves to swing and listen to the birds and dogs. She says, "tweet tweet" with the birds and, "dog, doggie, doggie roo roo" when she hears the dogs bark. She is silly.

The swing is really helping her. At first she would get quite freaked out. That was until Ryan took her out and swung her WAY high. She giggled so hard! The other day I was pushing her and apparently I wasn't going high enough for her, so she started calling out, "daddy, daddy". Ryan came out and took over, that is exactly what she wanted. He had her laughing so hard! Silly baby! By the way, you can click on this picture to see it bigger so you can see all of her cute little faces.
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